A comparison of logical frameworks and Theory of Change.
A discussion of the common pitfalls when developing a Theory of Change.
A discussion on the importance of incorporating feedback mechanisms in a Theory of Change, to reflect the dynamic nature of social systems.
A discussion on how to build the culture and mindset appropriate for Theory of Change thinking.
An introduction to measuring and claiming impact.
Looking at a Theory of Change from a complexity perspective.
A discussion on the importance to incorporate power and gender analysis in your Theory of Change. We look at how to conduct an analysis of power and gender relations and how these may drive or hamper the change you seek.
A detailed discussion on the crux of Theory of Change development: bringing to the surface underlying assumptions.
A discussion of how the level of detail to use for a Theory of Change.
A list of criteria to assess the quality of a Theory of Change.
What are inputs? How can we identify them?
What are activities and outputs? How can we identify them?
What are outcomes and impact? How can we identify them?
A discussion on how opportunities and threats/risks can be incorporated in your Theory of Change.
A discussion on how to use Changeroo to communicate your needs in achieving your vision of success.
A discussion on how innovation fits in within Changeroo.
A discussion on how trade-offs fit in within Changeroo.
A discussion on how assumptions and validation fit in within Changeroo.
A discussion on how quantitative indicators and qualitative information fits in within Changeroo.
What do we mean by "strategy narratives" in Changeroo? An overview and discussion,
In this step you extend your narrative with a textual summary of your visualization and any other relevant information you wish to present.
The general narrative of a Theory of Change: the purpose, scope and process followed to develop a Theory of Change.
The start of a Theory of Change: the situation analysis.
Discussing the Vision of success as the goal a Theory of Change works toward to.
A discussion of Theory of Action.
This post discusses organising change processes into pathways toward your vision of success. Here we look at the relationships between the different "blocks" that make up a Theory of Change.
A discussion on making a Theory of Change context-specific.
An introduction to Theory of Change and Theory of Action
An illustration of Theory of Change based on the "Apple a Day" initiative.
Explaining the concept of Theory of Change
A tour through Changeroo
An overview of the steps for developing a Theory of Change.