Partnership opportunities

We are looking for consulting agencies to partner with.  Do you regularly work on Theories of Change of clients?  Please do reach out to explore how we can add value.

Partner Program

Consulting Agencies

Partner program

Receive privileged access to our tooling and support your clients in Theory of Change thinking.


Project Management Solutions

Project management software

Incorporate Theory of Change in Monitoring & Evaluation software. Use our easy-to-use embedding features to connect your solution with Changeroo.

Promote E-learning

Network Organisations

Theory of Change e-learning

Do your network members want to learn more about Theory of Change? Let's create a custom proposition with the help of our ToC e–learning.

Co-organise ToC Training

Training Agencies

Theory of Change training

We love to partner with training agencies and collaborate to offer blended learning solutions.

ToC on Social Profiles

Social Platforms

Social platforms

Enable members to showcase their interactive Theory of Change on their profiles. Our API easily integrates Changeroo into your platform.

Academic License

Academic Institutions

Academic license

Use Changeroo in your curriculum or research projects. Academic institutes get a discount on our subscriptions.

Interested? Contact Martin Klein to discuss the possibilities

Supported by some of the finest impact-driven organisations