ToC Academy > ToC Manuals: How to develop your ToC > Post: Using middle-level theory to improve programme and evaluation design
Using middle-level theory to improve programme and evaluation design
by Nancy Cartwright, CEDIL
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A good program ToC builds upon mid-level theories. This brief outlines ten steps for building and using middle-level theories.

  1. Specify the overall middle-level theory of change
  2. Produce a step-by-step diagram
  3. Describe the causal principles at work at each stage
  4. Add support factors to the diagram
  5. Add derailers to the diagram
  6. Add safeguards against the derailers to the diagram
  7. Allow for causal loops
  8. Specify the expected range of application
  9. Draw implications for monitoring and for evaluation questions and indicators
  10. Draw implications for future programme design

On the CEDIL website you can also find two presentations on the use of middle range theory.

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