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UNICEF Methodological briefs. Impact evaluation No. 2: Theory of Change
by Patricia Rogers
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Recognizing the importance of impact evaluation to UNICEF’s work, the Office of Research – Innocenti has collaborated with  RMIT University, the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), and BetterEvaluation to produce a series of methodological briefs and videos on the topic. The series covers the building blocks of impact evaluation, strategies for causal attribution, and different data collection and analysis methods. The focus of Impact Evaluation Brief No. 2 is on the Theory of Change (ToC).

Subjects dealt with are the following:

  1. Theory of Change: A brief Description
  2. When is it appropriate to use a Theory of Change?
  3. How to develop a Theory of Change?
  4. How to use Theory of Change for an impact evaluation?
  5. Ethical issues and practical limitations
  6. Which other methods work well with this one?
  7. Presentation of a Theory of Change
  8. Examples of good practices
  9. Examples of challenges
  10. Key readings and links