ToC Academy > General ToC Resources > Post: Integrating gender change in Monitoring & Evaluation
Integrating gender change in Monitoring & Evaluation
by Association for Women’s Rights in Development: Srilatha Batliwala & Alexandra Pittman
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Srilatha Batliwala from AWID (Association for Women’s Rights in Development) is focussing on building a stronger M&E practice as a way to reach gender changes.

Her first paper, together with Alexandra Pittman, argues that social change like gender change is unpredictable and the pathways to it are constantly shifting because every social change intervention – especially on behalf of women – is an uneven contest between under-resourced change activists and powerfully entrenched interests. If we accept these realities, we know that the assumptions behind most M&E approaches are not based on solid fact but intelligent guesswork. She argues that the best we can do is to develop M&E systems collaboratively, with the best knowledge and experience we can bring to bear, and with clarity about expectations. As a joint learning experiment, M&E systems can actually generate some very convincing results and lasting learning for all.

Another document, also by Srilatha Batliwala, helps women’s rights organizations and activists to reflect on their M&E systems, to critically assess the systems they are currently using and make improvements, to negotiate with donors and others on how to best measure their performance and strategies and to prioritize internal learning as central to organizational and movement strengthening.