ToC Academy > ToC Manuals: How to develop your ToC > Post: Developing a Theory of Change for the Northern Mozambique Channel
ToC Manuals: How to develop your ToC
1 Aug 2017
Developing a Theory of Change for the Northern Mozambique Channel
by Cordio East Africa
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Developing a Theory of Change is an important process in developing a solution to complex problems, particularly when many different people, with different backgrounds and expectations, are involved.
This document presents a simplified process for developing a Theory of Change, targeting disparate and separated people and institutions interested in being a part of a ‘Northern Mozambique Channel’ programme or initiative. The goal is to go through the pages and write down your own versions of the text presented:
- the overall vision,
- your vision of success,
- how you think that success will be achieved in each of the main pillars of the programme, and thereby to the programme as a whole,
- key intermediate (10 year) outcomes that we should be targeting through the projects, activities and short term outcomes we might implement in the next 3-5 years.
More information about the program can be found here.