ToC Academy > ToC Manuals: How to develop your ToC > Post: Developing a Theory of Change: A guide to developing a Theory of Change as a framework for inclusive dialogue, learning and accountability for social impact
ToC Manuals: How to develop your ToC
1 Aug 2017
Developing a Theory of Change: A guide to developing a Theory of Change as a framework for inclusive dialogue, learning and accountability for social impact
by IPAL - Keystone
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This guide helps social purpose organisations to plan, monitor, evaluate and communicate their work in a way that makes practical sense of the complexity of social change processes and their measurement.
The guide is part of the Impact Planning, Assessment and Learning (IPAL) tool suite that helps organizations create a framework for developing strategies, building partnerships, planning interventions, gathering evidence of success or failure and, most importantly, analyzing and learning from this evidence through open dialogue among constituents and stakeholders who have a real interest in change.